°o.Oßoundkawy 3la tooool°o.O
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

°o.Oßoundkawy 3la tooool°o.O

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 Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 1286
العمر : 31
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/03/2007

Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه   Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه Icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 04, 2007 3:16 pm

Neighbours From Hell 3

Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه Untitled2

Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه Untitled3


Publisher in Russia: Russobit-Pablishing/GFI

The developer: VZ. lab the

Language: Russian

Genre: Arkada/Logicheskaya

Date of the output: 06.10.2006

Well, those as- kak-s, the respected colleagues of offices, that today
podelyval this gloomy goblin, your of neighbor? Did push through sly
eye into your intimate ICQ? It did drive away without to demand the
bundle of dear sigarill? Loudly and unsavoury it did champ by sandwich?
It did play into the poor computer games? We know that you no longer
want about this to have a talk, but you want to act. Your namozolennyy
kulak vomits in the battle. Feet pull into the store of army surpluses
after anything large-caliber. Your searches for mind. You be zh calm as
elephants. Knowledge - force. Maneuvers above of war. Main hero, Vadya
- adroit avenger without the raincoat and the mask, man- dynamite will
help you to sharpen strategy and tactics of fight and resistance. The
neighbor of wadis for long remained out of the zone of reach, was
arranged to the decent work, podlechil nerves, but now to this arrived
end! Of vuddi it selected to the neighbor to the work, now, also, in
its office, it will not be able to pochustvovat' itself out of danger.
Be detached on the complete, deliver the mass of pleasure to itself and
to spectators, neighbor must tyuey ostavatsya in a good mood and
complete zdravii, his reason under the threat, and this threat - Vadya!

Special features: 11 episodes stylish mul'tyashnaya drawing, now in the
complete 3D convenient interface and control outstanding saundtrek
friendly interface is the complete detachment

Minimum system requirements :

Windows 2000sp4/XPsp1 Intel of 800 MHz AMD of 850 MHz

256 MB memory

1 Gb of space place to HDD

Direct3D the 8.0- compatible video- map with 32 mb. of video memory DirectX 9..0c DirectX- compatible sonic map

32x Cd- rum

keyboard, mouse.

Is not guaranteed work on noutbukakh! Instruction on the installation:
1. we draw off the last version DAEMON Tools (at the given moment this
version. YA..0'YUE). If in you already ustanovlenna any version DAEMON
Tools, then for the beginning remove it and then already establish new!
2. after installation DAEMON Tools razarkhiviruyte archive with the
game into the folder for example. c:/kds3. 3. now let us dispose DAEMON
Tools! We press by right key on the green mark into the the treye and
we select category. Emulation, we press ALL options On. Everything,
tuning zakonchenna. 4. further we should install the means of game in
DAEMON Tools. For this it is necessary also to harvest by right key on
the green mark into the the treye and to select category Virtual
Cd/dvd- rum, further we press. Device 0: [ the letter of disk ] No
media and then. Mount image we select means KDS3.mds from the folder.
c:/kds3. 5. we install toy from the automatic start of disk. 6. after
installation, we press on the label for the starting of toy. Comes out
the insidious window Of starForsa. It will propose to establish the
driver of protection, you politely agree and you perezagruzhayete PK!
7. we start game, StarFors begins to check game and game is started!













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Neighbours From Hell 3 بروابط مباشرة وسريعه
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°o.Oßoundkawy 3la tooool°o.O :: _-_منتديات الألعاب_-_ :: _-_قسم تحميل الألعاب_-_ :: _-_تحميل الألعابل بواسطه الوصلات المباشره_-_-
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